Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lunch in the Town (oops, I mean) City of Tainan

I was blessed to have the wonderful opportunity to make and have lunch with Grace (everyone must know Grace by now) and her family last Sunday in Tainan.
One thing is certain...cram school teachers especially head  teachers work long hours from Monday to Saturday and with 2 year old twins she has a full schedule.  So when I invited myself for lunch Grace did not hesitate spending her off day cooking with me.

Another Train ride...Hell I don't mind!

She told me she wanted to learn how to make pasta, and of course being a master, that request suit me just fine. So with elegant flavours milling around in my head I had to turn to her for help in sourcing some of the ingredients.
First and of utmost importance was a decent cheese. Blue or Brie! And of course cream...fresh home made pasta with a white sauce base will simply not do.
Grace managed to source both cheeses through a friend...I had a mouthwatering somersault moment!!
And I stand by the saying: It's not who you are but who you know!!!
She also gave me both cheeses at no expense, and I would like to thank her once again for such a huge gift!

Beautiful Cheeeeeeeese:-)

I on the other hand was able to find cream from my favourite speciality baking store in Gangshan.

Good old cream.

So with all the difficult ingredients found I shopped around for the rest of the ingredients for a simply delectable Gracefully made pasta of Chicken, oyster mushroom and fresh green grapes served in a rich creamy Brie sauce.
Rolling...Rolling...Rolling with the pasta.

Very relaxed;-)
The end result!

Furthermore Grace's of few words, made us squid served cold with a simple flavoured sauce of  of soy and brown sugar with loads of garlic and a subtle hint of ginger balanced to perfection...delicious.
I also had my first serving of clams in a ginger and spring onion broth...and after my heavy hand at salt...simply moreish.

Tainan squid...I presume...

Salty, simply yummy!

Fresh?! Clams...OF COURSE

 The twins enjoying their first Italian pasta!

For dessert I made ice cream from scratch and after begging Grace for flavours she told me she liked white chocolate and hubby likes dark chocolate.
So I made a white and dark chocolate ice cream with dark and white chocolate chips served with a cookie crumble. With no decent Swiss or Belgium chocolate in Taiwan I even managed to impress myself with dessert.

After a late lunch we went for a stroll at the Cultural park, which was a hub of activity. Live music, dancing and children snake boarding. We walked through a art exhibition with loads of naked paintings, and I bought my first book abroad +The Great Gatsby during my first visit to a Taiwan department store. 

I had a awesome day in Tainan, a BIG thank you to Grace her family and her "leg hugging" dog Chocolate.

Greetings from a Italian (for the moment) East

Friday, November 15, 2013

Honger vir Hsinchu!

Uiteindelik het my kans gekom om vir Tertius en +Christelle De Jager in Hsinchu  te gaan kuier. My OPGEWONDENHEID kan ek nie in woorde beskryf nie.

Ek bespreek my oornag trein kaartjies aanlyn, en Vrydag kan nie gou genoeg kom nie.
Ek klim trein 23:53 en slaap is nie juis op die agenda vir die volgende vier en 'n half ure nie. Ons stop in Hsinchu stasie 04:23 en Ters kom tel my met sy blitsige 2 wiel op. Ek verkyk my aan die vroee oggend aktiwiteite van koerant verkopers in die onder dorp van Hsinchu. Die plek is BESIG!

Vars Taiwanese nuus.

Ons stop vir koffie by 7eleven (waar anders?) want Ters glo dis die naaste wat jy aan 'n Wimpy koffie sal kom.
Die plan was om nog so bietjie te gaan le as ons by die huis kom, maar met die vroee sons opkoms in Taiwan, 'n stoep met goeie geselskap en 'n pirate Wimpy koffie...wie wil nou gaan le?!
Meis sluit baie gou by ons aan en ons gesels land en Afrikaans!!!! Ons aanskou 'n hele paar fender benders en lag ons slap vir hulle dowe en blinde landlord!
Toe ek die hele trip beplan, het ek vir Ters gevra of ek asb die Saterdag 'n hotdog vir ontbyt kan kry.
Snaakse versoek? Ja ek weet, maar toe ek destyds in Taiwan aangekom het was dit die eerste ding wat ek hier geeet het en ek kon nie help om dit weer te versoek nie. Baie dankie julle het omtrent uitgehang en my bederf met ontbyt oor die naweek.

Ontbyt met niks minder as Mrs Balls nie;-)

Na 'n heerlike ontbyt was dit stort en aantrek, want in Taiwan sit geen foreigner juis stil op 'n Saterdag nie. Daar was alreeds groot planne gemaak om die groot Eend in Taoyuan te gaan besoek. 

Al waggelend kon ons nie vir 'n beter dag gevra het nie.

' N vinnig oorsig van die eend. Die oorspronklike eend is in 2007 ontwerp deur 'n Nederlander Florentijn Hofman, hy was 26mx20mx32m en weeg 600kg, en was die grootste in die reeks. Hofman wou die wereld vermaak met 'n toer genaamd: "Spreading joy around the world". 
Sedert 2007 was die eend al in 14 stede reg oor die wereld, en tydens Julie en Augustus 2013 het hy tussen die eilande van Hong Kong getoer en van daar is hy see langs om Kaohsiung te besoek. Die eendjie was natuulik nie die grote van 2007 nie, maar net so bietjie kleiner...25mx18mx18m.
Van Kaohsiung is hy na Taoyuan toe, maar na 'n hewige 6.3 aarbewing het die Eend dit nie gemaak nie.
So 'n nuwe eend is gestuur, dieselfde grootte en in die plat eend se plek staan gemaak, en dis die eend wat ons juis oppad was om te gaan besigtig.
HSR trein.

Ek was bevoorreg om 'n ongelooflike groep Suid-Afrikaners en 3 Amerikaners te ontmoet. Almal kollegas van Christelle, en ons het 'n fantastiese dag van Afrikaans en skerp humor geniet.
Taoyuan is so 'n halfuur se ry van Hsinchu af, met die trein miskien so bietjie stadiger met High Speed Rail(HSR) heelwat vinniger. Dit was my eerste HSR trein trip, hierdie treine kan tot 288km/h travel en dit was 'n ongelooflike belewenis. Binne 'n oogwink was ons op Taoyuan Stasie. Bus ritte na en van die eend was gratis en so hop ons almal op die eerste en naaste bus oppad na die reuse Eend toe.

Daar is massiewe Eend opgewondenheid in die bus en almal loer net waar en wanneer die Eend sy opwagting gaan maak. Ons stop op 'n punt om busse te ruil en so beweeg ons aan...en skielik so uit die nuut soos die eerste son strale in die vroee more staan daar 'n Eend ...

Almal natuurlik gelyk van die bus af, elkeen probeer om 'n kiekie te kry. 
Ons loop in nou straaitjies tussen vleie en tuine deur met honderde stalletjie wat dieselfde geel items as die ander verkoop. Daar is vele kos, roomys en 'koeldrank' stalletjies. 

Die mooiste Kool tuine...

Blomme, dit het vir 'n oomblik gevoel soos Namaqualand.

Een van honderde Quack-Quack-verkopers.

Hordes stalletjies en mense.

Soos ons al nader aan die Eend beweeg, raak die mense al hoe meer.  As 'n groep van Suid-Afrikaners in die meerderheid het ons soos een man of eerder vrou gaan stil staan by 'n stalletjie wat kerrie roti's verkoop. Die kok maak die roti's vars en alhoewel ons almal saam gestem het die kerrie bietjie sterker kon gewees het was dit geurig, vars en absoluut HEERLIK!

Vars uitgerol en gaar gemaakte Roti's

Ge-oefende hande, rol hom pappie.

 Hy mag maar...Roti's maak...en lag!!

Met ons Roti's in hand was ons op die wal reg langs die Eend en wat fees van opgewondenheid en glimlagte. Almal help ander om foto's te neem en dis die een ding wat ek ongelooflik baie van Taiwan geniet...Almal is altyd bereid om 'n foto te neem of aanwysings te gee, almal wil graag help. 
En gee hulle net 'n kans om te pose, hulle haal al die stops uit...


Alles en almal hou van pose in Taiwan.

Smile... my snap was seker te vroeg...

Ek moes natuurlik ook van die kans gebruik maak! 

Eend, Twee, Drie...Smile
Wendy, Celia, Kelly, Christelle, Tertius, Valerie en Stephanie 
Dankie aan elkeen vir 'n Quack-tastic dag!

Ek het die aand na 'n heerlike stort soos 'n sak patats op die bed neegeval. Ek dink die land en diep slaap het my gelyk oorval, want ek kon niks onthou van bed toe gaan of van die Springbokke teen Wallis twee uur daai oggend nie. Ek weet net nou dat die Bokke gewen het:-)

Sondag was 'n dag uitgesit vir inkopies en niks minder as 'n ordentlike braai nie. My eerste Taiwan braai.
Ters en Meis neem my na A-Mart waar ek piering oog myself verstaar aan alles onder een dak.
Massiewe winkel wat alles verkoop waaraan jy kan dink!! 
Ek eet van die lekkerste, varste vla gevulde koek happies. Ek wil ampers se dit smaak soos 'n eclair maar minus die 'crispiness' van die choux, meer koekerig...heerlik!

In 'n eendjie vorm...hoe dan nou anders.


Die braai was niks minder as fantasmagories nie... Tertius en Christelle het my omtrent bederf. Christelle het die heerlikste wortel en broccoli slaai gemaak, en die braaivleis en braaibroodjie was uit die boeke uit. Gewoonlik sal ek nie 'n foto van 'n braaibroodjie neem nie, maar hierdie was 'n besonderse broodjie op 'n besonderse dag saam met besonderse familie!

 ...and after!
 Braaier van formaat!

Baie dankie aan Ters en Christelle vir 'n heerlike naweek! Dit het hopeloos te gou verby gevlieg. Ek hoop ons kan nog vele sulke naweke he, sodat ek vele blog posts oor julle ongelooflike gasvryheid en distrik dorp kan skryf.

Ek hoop dit was 'n eende-fees vir al my vriende en familie lesers, ek hoop om julle op hoogte te hou van alle nuwe dinge, mense en plekke...

Groete en Liefde uit Taiwan

Monday, November 4, 2013

Munching through North of Taiwan Finale

Waking up in Pingsi, with the cool morning mountain breeze and the quietness of Sunday morning village life, leaves you with the feeling of...DON'T MOVE THIS FEELING CAN LAST, just draw the curtains and pull up the covers...alas...Mindy came knocking at 7am sharp and kept knocking until 7:10am.
After a quick refreshing shower I headed down for breakfast, and after a couple of locals with the locals the previous night...breakfast, a grandpa and a jug of water was just what the doctor ordered.

I was happy with my choice of garlic toast(my only choice mind you), fried egg, ham and 2.5ml tomato sauce exactly.

Beautiful garden of guesthouse, I loved the lanterns, naturally.

Enjoying breakfast and coffee in the beautiful garden, you had to admire the amazingly constructed, Jingan Suspension Bridge built in 1947, for transporting coal of course,crossing the Keelung River and at 128 meters in length it is all but impressive.

Outside dining area

Pathway from guesthouse to Shihfen Old street

Jingan Suspension bridge, at night time...

Jingan Suspension bridge, at day time.

While taking in all the beauty around us we took another couple of pictures, said our goodbyes to our amazing host at the 1922 Louachu guesthouse and piled into our waiting bus.

Group photo on the bridge...

And we all stand together!

Our next stop was the town of Neiwan in the district of Hsinchu. It was about a 1 hour and 40 minute drive so time was either used by chatting with new friends, getting some more shut eye or just listening to your favorite music.

Neiwan is surrounded by green mountains and on a beautiful sunny day it takes your breath away. Neiwan is located between 500-700 meters above sea level in the Hengshan Township and with the Youluo river twisting through this valley, we can call this a sub-tropical rain forest...beautiful.

Taiwan flag, blue skies and green mountains...picture perfect.

Crops to the north of the river was mostly planted by man, and the area to the south of the river is mostly sloped and covered with fast growing shrubs and small trees. The area habitats a variety of birds, animals and insects AND from May - October large amounts of fireflies can be seen in the woods and I'll definitely be back to witness that.
Neiwan is home to the white ginger lily flower which grows in abundance in this area. And with a White Ginger Lily Theme park the scent fills the air and is used to flavor many local delights like egg rolls, mochi, cakes and ice cream. Not being a very big ginger fan I must admit I enjoyed the subtle taste of ginger that is created by this beautiful flower.

Hand made egg rolls from Neiwan

As my brother and sister-in-law lives in the Hsinchu district, Tertius and +Christelle De Jager  took a 30 minute Sunday scooter drive to Neiwan to come and say hi. It was the first time I've seen them since arriving in Taiwan it was a welcome mental boost to see and spend time with family. Thanks De Jager's and thanks to the group for welcoming them and making them part of the tour. 

Our Brilliant guides in Neiwan

Busy street market

We walked down a street market that was bustling with people and tourist. The stalls sold anything from clothes, shoes, cold beverages and Michael's favorite stinky tofu, man you can smell that miles away.
I seem to want to do a leopard crawl just to get under and away from that smell...
We walked through a tunnel that passed under the train tracks on our way to the comic book museum.
Neiwan is home of the famous Taiwanese comic, Big Auntie and writer/creator Liu Hsing-Chin. Figures and characters of Big Auntie can be seen all around town and this attracts many tourists.
Walking through the comic museum was like walking through a timeline of ideas, characters and drawings. Filled with earlier methods of writing and publishing comics, the life of creator Liu Hsing-Chin is also displayed through out the museum giving it a personal touch. The guide were dressed in character and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

 Before entering museum, relieving Mindy from board carrying...and I clearly have no clue what she's saying.

Inside of comic museum...too cool!

What was even cooler...The Big Auntie removable heads that we could put on. We had loads of fun with her.
Big Auntie Mariza...

...Product of Wellington??

Giving Big Auntie Mindy a kiss!

Meis...Auntie can't breath!!

Our next stop was the Neiwan Police station. It was a old wood constructed building which was build during the Japanese ruling, early 1900's.It is known to be the oldest police station in Taiwan and while police men are still stationed there, this actually makes Neiwan police station the oldest operating police station on the island.

Group photo in front of Neiwan Police station.

 Ters, Meis en ek...tussen treine.

Our next stop was the Neiwan train station. Originally trains did not run to Neiwan, but with changing times the railway reached the area in the 1950's. The station building is still in it's original architectural style of the 50's and 60's, which I of course love and respect.

Back door and track side view of Neiwan train station. your on Vincent Phang's camera...Vincent is the only one excited:-)


Next we were off to lunch at the Neiwan Theater. The theater was build in 1950. And with no TV in the 50's  I can just imagine this was the place to be on a Friday or Saturday night. After years of wear and tear the theater was restored but was turned into a restaurant.  The restaurant serves traditional Hakka cuisine, and may I add...absolutely delicious, mind blowing flavors, textures and the best food I have yet to eat in Taiwan.
Entrance of the Neiwan Theater

Neiwan Theater restaurant

While enjoying your exquisite meal, patrons can enjoy early Taiwanese movies, creating a unforgettable atmosphere and mood. While dining we enjoyed a war themed movie...

Fried pork, tofu, spring onion and white ginger lily flowers for a mild ginger undertone ,in the background is the same dish except for pork squid is used.

This was by far my favorite dish...I hastily took a picture before I polish it all.
It was a pork dish done in a seaweed spice broth.

Pork meatballs in a rich vegetable and mushroom broth

Simply delicious fried chicken served cold.

Medicinal black chicken hot pot...I gave this one a bad experience with a hot pot was enough for me to avoid the next.

Man of the moment, owner of restaurant giving us a personal demonstration class on how to cut Mochi. This after Mindy pulled out some muscle and broke the chopsticks.


Go Christelle...I'm taking note wide eyed and chewing.

....practice makes perfect.

After lunch we were allowed to stroll or rather roll around the street market but time to leave came too soon and I had to say my goodbyes;-(
Back to city life and Taipei, where we visit a old sugar refinery museum. Taiwan is very tropical and therefore sugar cane grow in abundance.At the museum the whole process, ancient and modern, of sugar making was explained. From harvesting the cane through every stage until you get the end product. Fine sugar to rough sugar crystals

 The old train that use to transport sugar cane in it's day.

A model displaying the method of crushing the sugar cane.

Original stones used.

Sugar cane growing in the museum garden

Smile your on 'candied' camera!

Wanhua is a district in Taipei which is also called Moga in Taiwanese. This was our next stop, and Moga is known and promoted as the commercial fashion area in Taipei. We were joined by the chairman of Moga district, a man with passion for his town, country and clothing.
The fashion institute of Taipei

We were privileged to be taken on a tour through this boutique where real fancy clothes are designed and hand made. There is small show rooms displaying clothes, and we even saw a room where they have fashion parades with cat walk the works...

Naai, Naai, Naai....

I was absolutely in love with this organized!!

One of the many showrooms with awesome designs and clothing.

From the Fashion institute we were taken to one of the oldest buildings in Taipei. It was currently standing empty and really sad because it is a beautiful piece of history.

One of Taipei's oldest buildings.

Just the day before +Michael Turton and I had a discussion on driving and traffic rules and signs in Taiwan. And we both had to agree of how little stop signs there is. Well I did not have to go far from that conversation to find my first stop sign. Of course I was so excited everyone else thought I was nuts to take a picture of a stop sign...well I haven't seen one since leaving South Africa and I have never seen one in Chinese...OK!

My very first stop sign in Taiwan.

Last and final group photo in Moga Taipei.

I would like to thank everyone involved in making this a absolutely memorable trip. Everything I experienced and learned was priceless. Not to mention the fascinating and interesting people I had the pleasure to meet.
Thanks to Mi-Schi Chang and Vincent Phang for some memorable photo's used in my blog.

I hope everyone enjoyed a superb tour through Northern Taiwan?!
Until my next Happie
Mariza....Mo Li