Sunday, February 2, 2014

Welkom in Douliu Taiwan

'n Dag uit in die mooie Taiwan  was net wat ek nodig gehad het om my gemoed na 'n week van baie verlange en hartseer huis toe te tem...

This Saturday, January 25, will be officially OPPOSITE DAY. So, this announcement should be read in the spirit of that day.
The Douliu Hash House Harriers wish not to invite you to join their semi-monthly hash. We will crawl or skip backwards around and in the environs of Huwei last Saturday, December 52. You will certainly have a lousy time, just lying around watching others going on with their pointless lives. Afterwards, tonic water and celery sticks will be served on the veranda of the mayor’s house, where the concepts of God, the virtues of alcohol and sexual abstention and Harry Potter as a cultural icon will be discussed.
Here's some basic info:
Date and place: Last Saturday, December 52, 1:00 AM at the baseball stadium in Douliu, which is just in front of the Douliu train station.
Fees: Free
Food and Drink: Plenty of tonic water, ginger ale and oolong tea, as well as celery and carrot sticks.

P.S. For those wishing to bring canine friends, please realize that they will mistreated and possibly used for a barbecue when the celery and carrots run out.

Disclaimer: The above was sanctioned by the management commission of the Douliu House Hash Harriers.

For those you who who are not inebriated enough to translate the above, it basically means that Doulio is hashing this Saturday. Meet at the Doulio baseball stadium at 1 and make sure that you bring extra clothing as the trail may wet your feet at the very least, if not your legs, according to one of the hares.

Douliu...met mooi blou berge

Sooooo , na my eerste en laaste Hash het ek myself dood voor die oe gesweer ek sal nie WEER gaan Hash nie, maar nadat ek die bogenoemde invite gelees het, vind ek myself op die nine forty five AM trein oppad na die distrik van Douliu. En mag ek byvoeg ek voel relatief opgewonde...
Dis om en by 'n 2½ uur trein rit noord van Gangshan na Douliu, en soos gewoonlik geniet ek dit gate uit.

Douliu Trein Stasie
Douliu Bofbal Stadion

Ek vind die bofbal stadion maklik genoeg, en word begroet deur 'n paar nuwe vriendelike gesigte en dan ook 'n paar wat eerder sal vrek voor hulle groet.Ek registreer vir nog 'n eerste hash en bly 'n "first timer".
Ons word almal ingeryg en aangery na die wegspring plek ongeveer 2km weg. Ek ontmoet vir George, 'n vriendelike 'Transvaler' wat homself al vir 2 jaar in Taiwan geniet en tot my pure genot vind ek uit hy is 'n vurige Stormer en Province supporter.

Ons hares vir die "What's up duck" hash is ook 2 ongelooflike aangename Suid-Afrikaners...Charl 'n Kaapse Klong en Shani 'n Kalahari nooi.
Hierdie kan net BAIE lekker raak!

Dapper stappers en drawers staan reg...

Die roete wat ons moet aandurf is warm, SOMER IN TAIWAN warm...en het iets van alles: teer, sand, water, klip, stront, opdraend en GEEN afdraend.


Hugo with his big heart...

Plat pad in die hitte...

Found the duck!!

Dis nat...

Twee kanse dat ek met my tekkies deur die water loop.

Nat voete...coming through
Nou paadjies deur die landerye

Left or right...which one is right?
 Turned out Left was Right:-)

Met al my skete en pyne van 'n Taiwanese winter was dit my eerste drafsessie in 2 maande en dit het plek plek maar gesukkel.
Een van my mede Taiwanese drawwers, Joe aka Sauwei Chen het my op 'n stadium ingeharloop en my 'n yskoue Supau bek was so droog ek kon skaars dankie, xie xie of Thank you se...hy was my Supau Hero!!!

Yskoud, heerlik!!

Ek het probeer smile...
Die einde was in sig toe ons die park met brug binne gaan.

Eind punt.


 Yskoud, en wel verdiend.
First timers...down downs

 Die crowd by down downs
Hares geniet a oomblik by down downs.
Charl en Shani
Ek en Joe my Supau Hero
Douliu sons ondergang.
Douliu Nag lewe.
Trein stasie...oppad terug huis toe.
Nie net het ek 'n ongelooflike dag van hardloop en die mooie natuurskoon in Douliu geniet nie, maar die fantastiese mense wat ek ontmoet het, verdien vele besoeke in die toekoms.
Tot weerderom
Groete uit die Ooste


  1. Sê vir Joe sy tong hang uit!!!!!

    Mooi gegooi en vasbyt!

  2. hahahahahaha...maar, maar ... hy's my Supau Hero!!

  3. What, no picture of your penalty down-down?! You got me in trouble for being a nice guy on the hash. There won't be a next time!!! Hope to see you again on the 22nd, this time in Chiayi(not Douliu). I'm the hare.

    1. Hahahahahaha, well Hugo, the nice guy, I can hardly take a selfie during a penalty down-down?! Looking forward to the 22nd!!

  4. Sjoe jy sien kans vir baie maar jy lyk asof jy sommer super duper fiks geword het daar
